Famous athletes are sure: it doesn‘t matter which kinf of sports you do, running is an essential part of every workout. Badminton player Kęstutis Navickas, cyclist Tomas Vaitkus, rowers Donata Vištartaitė and Milda Valčiukaitė, pentathlete Emilija Serapinaitė – all of these professionals run daily in order to strengthen their muscles and to prepare for the most important starts.

Athletes gladly accepted an invitation from Vlada Musvydaitė to participate in “Danske Bank Vilnius Maraton‘s“ „Magne B6.10 km“ Run and to motivate other running enthusiasts, also the ones who are still thinking that they are not yet prepared to participate.

“This is not the first time that I am going to participate in a running race, I’ve already won Nida Half Marathon’s 10km race. This time I am going to have another mission – to run and to support Vlada who is going to be an interactive presenter of the event and will be talking during all 10km. The main aim is to motivate everyone and to show that 10km can be run in a pace which is suitable for talking with fellow runners” said Donata Vištartaitė.

Badminton player Kęstutis Navickas says that a 10 km race course is equal to around 10 000 steps. “This is exactly the same distance I do while playing badminton with a competitor. It is going to be fun to run together and to feel the spirit of sport in the heart of the capital” said bronze medallist of Universiade.

“This time I am only going to have to run. I won’t have to shoot” laughed European modern pentathlon relay bronze medalist Emilija Serapinaitė. „I hope that I am going to infect everyone with a good mood because running always gives me only the best emotions.“

All of these athletes are the trainers of new interactive project “Sporto birža”.the support the initiative and motivate everyone to follow their results and physical preparation with a help of smart technology. According to Simonas Skupas, the head of “Samsung Electronics Baltics”, “with joining the health promoting projects we want to show people that smart technology can make athletes’ and sport enthusiasts’ lives when trying to reach for their set goals. You can follow your heart rhythm in all sorts of gadgets while running. We seek to make Lithuanians more active, to have them doing all kinds of sports. This is why we offer a unique opportunity to try a personal workout with a professional trainer for everyone who decides to buy a mobile gadget of ours.”

The founder of “Sporto birža” Vlada Musvydaitė believes that it is going to be a great challenge to run all the distance while talking. “Doctors of sport medicine say that if you want to check whether your running pace is good for you, all you have to do is to try talking. If you manage to run and talk at the same time – your running pace is proper for you. My aim is to spread the word about how important it is to be concerned about your health and to keep moving. All with this extraordinary interactive running.”

Interactive running is going to be streamed live on September 13th, Sunday, 14.15PM on and

Watch how famous Lithuania’s athletes are getting ready for “Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon“